Benefits of Joining SADA
SADA supports its members throughout their time in the profession - from their time as students in the field, straight through their professional careers, and into retirement. Our members benefit from the below advantages, amongst others.
DCM1-2025 - Dental Candidate Member Year 1: Student registered as such with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, as a dental student or student of an allied profession (1st to 5th year). A Dental Candidate member shall be automatically transferred to any of the applicable categories upon registration with the Statutory Council.
DCM2-2025 - Dental Candidate Member Year 2: Student registered as such with the Statutory Council as a dental student or student of an allied profession (1st year). A Dental Candidate member shall be automatically transferred to any of the applicable categories upon registration with the Statutory Council.
DCM3-2025 - Dental Candidate Member Year 3: Student registered as such with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, as a dental student or student of an allied profession (1st to 5th year). A Dental Candidate member shall be automatically transferred to any of the applicable categories upon registration with the Statutory Council.
DCM4-2025 - Dental Candidate Member Year 4: Student registered as such with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, as a dental student or student of an allied profession (1st to 5th year). A Dental Candidate member shall be automatically transferred to any of the applicable categories upon registration with the Statutory Council.
DCM5-2025 - Dental Candidate Member Year 5: Student registered as such with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, as a dental student or student of an allied profession (1st to 5th year). A Dental Candidate member shall be automatically transferred to any of the applicable categories upon registration with the Statutory Council.
SE0-2025 - Community Service Dentist: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council and who is in their Community Service year. (1st year after graduation)
SE1-2025 - State Employee Post Community Service: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council - HPCSA, and who is post Community Service employed in the public sector. (2nd year + after graduation)
SEA-2025- State Employee Academia without private practice: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council - HPCSA, and who is post Community Service employed in the public sector in an academic position with no clinical practice. (2nd year + after graduation)
PP1-2025 - Private Practitioner First and Second Year after Community Service: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council - HPCSA, and who is in private practice in their 1st or 2nd year after Community Service. (2nd or 3rd year after graduation)
PP2-2025 - Private Practitioner Third Year and more after Community Service: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council - HPCSA, and who is in private practice in their 3rd year or more after Community Service. (4th year + after graduation)
RM-2025 - Retired Member: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council - HPCSA, who is no longer in active practice
EM-2025 - Emeritus Member: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council - HPCSA, who has turned 70 years of age before the start of the SADA financial year (1st January) of which the application is made, where the member has been in SADA membership for 10 full years directly prior to applying for Emeritus category in order to qualify for Emeritus Membership.
AFM-2025 - Affiliate Member: A dentist in a foreign country who is in good standing with his/her national dental association; A dentist in a foreign country where no national dental association has been established; An overseas domiciled dentist who was previously a Member of the Association.
ASM-2025 - Associate Member: A dentist registered by the Statutory Council, who works no more than 15 hours within a week on an annual basis. Motivation is crucial, which does not guarantee placement into this category. Members within this category are reviewed on an annual basis. This also includes dentally qualified Dental Advisors.
ADA-2025 - Allied Member Dental Assistant (ADA): An allied oral health care professional registered with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, who Is actively engaged in a field allied to dentistry, or falls into such other category as the Board may from time to time agree upon.
ADentTech-2025 - Allied Member Dental Technician
ADTh-2025๏ปฟ - Allied Member Dental Therapist (ADTh): An allied oral health care professional registered with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, who Is actively engaged in a field allied to dentistry, or falls into such other category as the Board may from time to time agree upon.
AOH-2025 - Allied Member Oral Hygienist (AOH): An allied oral health care professional registered with the Statutory Council - HPCSA, who Is actively engaged in a field allied to dentistry, or falls into such other category as the Board may from time to time agree upon.